The Transformation of The Lecturers’ Islamic Work Ethos Towards The Quality-Service Culture of Islamic Education in UHAMKA Jakarta

Sri Astuti


This research was to describe the level of islamic work ethos, the level of the qualityservice culture of Islamic education, and the transformation of the lecturers’ islamic work ethos towards the quality-service culture of Islamic education for the students in
UHAMKA. The method used was qualitative with correlation and regression approaches. There were 205 people who became the population and 77 lecturers of FKIP (Faculty of Teaching and Education) UHAMKA who became the samples of the reseach. The Likert-scale questionnaire with five options was used for the instrument of the data collection. The results of the research showed: (1) the lecturers’ islamic work ethos belonged to high and satisfying category, (2) the quality-service culture was high and satisfying, and (3) there was a 12.48% positive and significant transformation of the lecturers’ Islamic work ethos towards the quality-service culture of islamic education for the students. The higher Islamic work ethos will lead to the higher transformation of the quality-service culture. The quality-service culture of Islamic education can be improved through Islamic work ethos. A high-quality service of the lecturers gives satisfaction to the students more than they expect.


Islamic Work Ethos, Quality-service Culture, and Transformation

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INFERENSI IAIN SALATIGA p-ISSN: 1978-7332, e-ISSN:2502-1427

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