Syariah Branding; Komodifikasi Agama Dalam Bisnis Waralaba Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

Hasan Baharun, Harisatun Niswa


This paper presents the phenomenon that develops in society, related to the existence of religious commodification in business, namely the labeling of "Syari'ah" as a medium to attract customer loyalty in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. The labeling of "Syari'ah" is used as a strategy by industry players by utilizing religion as a selling value to get attention from consumers. Religion is exploited, explored and used as a commodity by the community to take advantage. Kopotren Basmalah as the research site is present as one of the real applications of the pesantren Sidogiri which wants to become a boarding school capable of competing in the world of economy. Pesantren Sidogiri modifies the science of religion and economics to give birth to a sharia-based retail company. A phenomenon that develops in this business, religion is used as a media or tool to sell products from the business. This study uses a qualitative method with phenomenology. The results show that the public perception of the branding of "syari'ah" conducted by the Basmalah copontren namely; loyal oriented customer, performing image, santri entrepreneurship, a place for social piety and debating beliefs in the business of buying and selling.


Syariah Branding; Islamic Business; Industrial Revolution 4.0

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