Transformasi Konsep Diri Jamaah Haji (Studi Fenomenologi pada Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji Lembaga Haji Muhammadiyah Jawa Barat)

Imron Rosyidi, Encep Dulwahab


Hajj is one of the most complex worship services. Not only does it require
psychic and physical strengths, but it also requires comprehensive and consistent
understanding and experience. Many changes in self occur in the congregation
when the pilgrimage. This is the purpose of this research, which is to find out the
transformation of the hajj pilgrims’ self-concept before and after the Hajj. By
using a qualitative method of the phenomenological perspective, the results of
this research indicate that there are several self-concepts of pilgrims, including:
prospective hajj pilgrims are not good at reciting, hajj candidates are less close
to the Khaliq, and hajj candidates have less concern for others. In addition,
there is a self-concept of pilgrims after Hajj. There is a transformation of self-
image with a “new status” as a hajj mabrur as a way to make oneself deserve to
be called Hajj with frequent prayers in congregation in the mosque and caring
for others


Pilgrims, Pilgrimage, Communication, Self-Concept, Transformation

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