Strengthening the Traditional Markets: Evidence from Bosowasi Region, South Sulawesi
This research aimed to describe the model of strengthening the traditional
markets. It was conducted in the Bosowasi region for six months. The type of
this research was a qualitative descriptive one by using a social approach in
gathering data and using the theory of social structure, social construction,
social change, and planned behavior to analyze the data. The results
of this research showed that (1) The modernization and technological
development apparently do not necessarily eliminate people’s desire to
shop in traditional markets, (2) The democratic trade model practiced in
traditional markets can actually drive the people’s economy, and (3) The
innovation, partnership and policies developed in traditional markets can
make them existing throughout time without compromising the needs of
future generations. These results served as the basis for formulating the
model of strengthening traditional markets and this model was called the
“BSWS Model”. This model can make the traditional markets orderly, safe,
clean and healthy, can make them competitive with the modern retailers,
can improve services to the community, and can make them as a driving
wheel of the regional economy.
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