English Instructional Video Design for Islamic Junior High School

Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, Izzati Shaima Shamsudin


The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of teachers and
students in Islamic Junior High School about duration, their involvement in
the video (cast), format and post-video watch activities of English supplementary videos to ensure the videos that will be made are effective. Using a descriptive quantitative method, this study reveals that video is a fun learning tool to study English, so that the students don’t mind if the video duration is more than 15 minutes. About the cast, the students inclined to be involved in producing the video. About the format, the majority chooses the drama method with Bahasa subtitled. About the post-video watch activities, they prefer to do a writing rather than a speaking activity. During the video playing, they didn’t taking a note or observing the whole plot yet, so that they wish the video can be replayed outside the class,
just like on television or youtube


English, learning media, video, 7th grader students, Islamic Junior High School

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18326/infsl3.v15i1.141-162


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