Halal Industry in Javanese Culture; Yogyakarta Regional Government Policy in obtaining its economic values

Addi Arrahman, Illy Yanti


Yogyakarta is the center of Javanese culture. He became one of the special
regions in Indonesia, because of the uniqueness of history, government
system, culture, customs and customs. The local wisdom that is owned
is a basic principle that is always present in community activities. In this
condition, the halal industry is growing rapidly, including in Yogyakarta.
Therefore, this research article aims to understand the regulatory format
made by the Yogyakarta government in developing the Halal Industry;
second, to explain the approach used by the regional government of the
Special Region of Yogyakarta in taking advantage of the economic value of
the halal industry. The author analyzes the regulatory documents made by
the Yogyakarta regional government, and confirms them with the results
of in-depth interviews with key informants. This research reveals that the
Yogyakarta regional government does not make special regulations on the
Halal industry, as other regional governments do. However, the cultural
approach used is quite effective in forming a halal business ecosystem that
provides economic benefits for the community and business actors.


Halal Industry; Budaya Jawa; Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah; nilai ekonomi

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