The Belief System Serves as a Disaster Mitigation Mechanism to Preserve the Local Wisdom of the Baduy Tribe

Afifatul A'la, Mukminan Mukminan, Dedes Senja Anisfa, Annisa Priantari Putri, Wahyu Farida


This research aims to explore the belief system that serves as a disaster mitigation strategy in preserving the local wisdom of the Baduy tribe. It is a qualitative study conducted through data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The research findings indicate that the Baduy tribe, residing in the Kendeng Mountains of Banten, faces an uneven and disaster-prone environment, including landslides, floods, forest fires, and environmental degradation. The belief system embraced by the Baduy tribe is known as “Sunda Wiwitan.” It is characterized by the presence of “pikukuh” which serves as a guideline
for the community’s interaction with the natural environment. These “pikukuh” consist of rules that emphasize the importance of preserving the natural  environment without any alteration. The philosophy contained within the “pikukuh” includes statements such as “Lojor teu menunang dipotong, pondok teu meunang disambung”, “Gunung teu meunang dilebur, lebak teu meunang di rusak”, and “Buyut teu meunang dirobah, larangan teu meunang dirempak.” Each of these philosophies teaches the importance of preserving the environment as a form of disaster mitigation for the Baduy tribe.


local wisdom; disaster mitigation; belief system; Baduy tribe

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