Community-Based Empowerment in The Perspective of Maqāṣid Al-Sharīʿa

Tasya Hadi Syahputri, Muhammad Anwar Fathoni


The purpose of this research is to explore the role of community-based empowerment in the Depok UKMP community. Community-based empowerment as one of the bottom-up economic development is needed to enhance the economic performance of the city of Depok. The economy of Depok has not shown consistent indicators of improvement over the last decade. Accordingly, bottom-up economic development is needed in which the community can participate in it. This research is case study research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The role of empowerment is analyzed using  indicators from al-kulliyyát al-khamsah maqásid alsharí'a to review worldly and ukhrowi aspects. The results of the study indicate that the UKMP community has
played a role in empowering its members. Empowerment is perceived in  imensions of spiritual, material, educational, and human rights protection. MSMEs can empower themselves through the role of the community to increase their capacities, develop knowledge, create independence, and support economic improvement.


empowerment; community; maqashid sharí'a; MSME

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