Islamic Work Ethics in Building Work Life Balance to Achieve Islamic Job Satisfaction

Eviatiwi Kusumaningtyas Sugiyanto, Taufikur Rahman, Aprih Santoso


The purpose of this study is to provide an interpretation of library study
result on the relationship between Islamic Work Ethics (IWE) in building
work life balance (WLB) to achieve job satisfaction in Islam. The method
used is library study by tracing related topics. Data comes from primary
sources in the form of articles that are relevant to topics. Meanwhile,
data analysis used interpretive. The results show that there is an alleged
logical relationship between IWE, WLB and job satisfaction in Islam.
Application of IWE can build a balance between work and life outside
of work. Furthermore, someone who is able to build this balance can feel
job satisfaction, in terms of Islamic job satisfaction. The implication of
this research, there is an initial assumption of a link between IWE and
WLB and job satisfaction in Islam. The future research agenda can test
empirically the relationship between these variables by incorporating it
into an empirical research model.


Islamic Work Ethic; Work Life Balance; Islamic Job Satisfaction

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